13 Latest Blogs
12 Jul, 2023 Wednesday

Meilleurs Endroits où Vous Pouvez étudier l'anglais à Moins de 5000 $

Academic,Higher Education,Study Abroad
 étudier l'anglais Pour Moins de 5000 $

La langue d'enseignement internationale dans les collèges et universités les plus prestigieux et les plus célèbres est l'anglais. Par conséquent, les étudiants du monde entier qui souhaitent maîtriser cette langue afin de poursuivre des études…

11 Oct, 2021 Monday

Best English Learning Course in Sharda for Francophonic Students

About,Academic,Study Abroad
English course for Francophonic students

One of the most advantageous and exciting aspects of studying abroad is learning a new language. And, nothing can be better if that language is English. Notably, English is the world’s most spoken language and…

21 Sep, 2021 Tuesday

Best Business Hacks You Learn only in Indian Education

About,Academic,Admissions,Campus Life,Study Abroad
Best Business Hacks

Knowing some business hacks can come in handy for an entrepreneur. It will help them develop and accomplish their targets more effectively and efficiently. Indian education system’s curriculum is curated in such a way that…

15 Jun, 2021 Tuesday

Bourses d’études Pour étudiants Internationaux en Inde

Academic,Connect,Study Abroad
bourses aux étudiants internationaux

Etudier à l’étranger est un sujet de grand intérêt et de débat depuis de nombreuses années parmi les étudiants asiatiques et africains qui aspirent à tirer le meilleur parti de leurs années d’études collégiales. Cependant,…

02 Jun, 2021 Wednesday

Most Fascinating Education Destinations in India for Overseas students

About,Academic,Study Abroad
Education Destinations in India

India is a land of several cultural delights and ethnic experiences. This country has been a point of attraction for tourists, scholars, traders, as well as colonists since the beginning of human civilisation. The ancient…

06 Apr, 2021 Tuesday

Comment trouver une bourse internationale Obtenir l’admission en 2021?

Academic,Admissions,Connect,Study Abroad
bourse internationale en 2021

Une bourse d’études est une somme d’argent fournie par un institut d’éducation ou une organisation externe à un étudiant qui a de bonnes capacités mais manque de moyens financiers. Les bourses d’études peuvent comprendre le…

30 Mar, 2021 Tuesday

How to Find International Scholarship to Get Admission in 2021?

About,Academic,Admissions,Connect,Study Abroad
International Scholarship in 2021

A scholarship is some amount of money provided by an educational institute or external organisation to a student who has good abilities but lacks finances. Scholarships can include remittance of partial or full tuition fee.…

11 Mar, 2021 Thursday

Which Country is Best for Study and Work for International Students?

About,Academic,Connect,Study Abroad
Best Country For International Students
Best Country for International Students

Studying and living abroad, usually on a student visa, can often be a challenging experience if the country of residence does not have a suitable infrastructure to accommodate and assimilate international students. Technically, the best country…

05 Mar, 2021 Friday

Why Health and Environment Education Important?

Health And Environment Education
Health and Environment Education

Health and environment education has increasingly become an important part of modern wholesome education. There are well-defined programmes at the graduate and postgraduate levels that teach students about the internal and external factors that affect…

24 Feb, 2021 Wednesday

Lets Explore Study Abroad Programs and How They are Useful?

Academic,Connect,Study Abroad
Study Abroad Program

To achieve excellence in their area of education and gain fruitful employment by beating the tough competition in the job market, students from almost all countries have considered going for a study abroad program. Both in…

27 Jan, 2021 Wednesday

Scope of Allied Health Science Programmes: Lets Findout

 Scope of Allied Health Science

Careers in nursing, physiotherapy, veterinary medicine, medicine, and dentistry are extremely fruitful pathways for students with an inclination towards healthcare. The scope of allied health science like these is immense in the modern age where healthcare infrastructure…

29 Dec, 2020 Tuesday

Sharda University Has Become The First Choice of Diplomats for Their Education

About,Academic,Admissions,Campus Life
 International Relations

Diplomatic careers focus on knowledge and expertise in the fields of social sciences like international relations, politics, and economics. A career in diplomacy is not for everyone. Only the most meritorious students who have a strong…

21 Dec, 2020 Monday

Why do Burkina Faso Students Choose Sharda University for Study Abroad in India?

Robust Educational Infrastructure

Like most developing nations of Africa, Burkina Faso is a nation that is in its early stages of developing a robust educational infrastructure that focuses on primary, secondary, tertiary, as well as vocational systems of education. The…

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