tudying and living abroad, usually on a student visa, can often be a challenging experience if the country of residence does not have a suitable infrastructure to accommodate and assimilate international students. Technically, the best country for international students would be one that has warm hospitality, welcomes outsiders, is relatively affordable in terms of living costs and has healthy competition among academic peers. The best country for international students is usually one where students can feel at home during their course of stay. Moreover, the best country for international students would also have ample scope for employment after completion of their course.

Robust Higher Educational Infrastructure

A country having numerous options for higher education is often preferred by students as the best country for international students. This is usually because such a large selection of universities, both private and state-run, offer a plethora of courses for students to select from. Moreover, proper infrastructure for higher education in terms of curriculum, teaching staff, college amenities, as well as campus placements is also characteristic of the best destination for international students to study in. A country that is free from adverse social and political conflicts is one in which education can thrive unhindered and India, being such a country, is in many ways considered the best destination for international students within Eurasia and Africa.

Availability of Affordable Accommodations

Students usually stay in groups of 2 to 4 in shared accommodations to reduce the costs of housing for one single student. Countries, where such types of shared accommodations are easily accessible to students, can be considered as the best country for international students to reside in. Moreover, students rarely have a high-income source, and accommodations that are affordable and within the meagre budget of students are highly preferred. A country like India, where costs of such shared accommodations, hostels, dormitories and paying guest facilities are relatively cheap, can be seen as the best destination for international students. However, the best destination for international students cannot only be identified based on these grounds.

Minimum Hassles in the Visa Process

Countries that pose a large number of restrictions and regulations within their visa process are usually avoided by international students. International students usually look to migrate into a country where there is ample scope for higher education, along with the above-mentioned prerequisites but if the visa application or renewal process is extremely tedious and time-consuming, then it becomes counterproductive to the aims and ambitions of students. The best destination for international students is one where the visa process is not lengthy and time-consuming so that students are able to fulfill their true goal, that is acquiring a quality higher education degree.

Quality Education and Employment

For both higher education and consequent work opportunities, most international students from Asia and Africa prefer to live and study in India because of all these reasons. The booming economy of India also provides for lucrative employment opportunities right after graduation.

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